Menominee for Truth is dedicated to discussion and debate about issues impacting the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin. We are searching for truth by sharing information, raising questions, and organizing passionate advocates to join us.
One of the biggest issues facing the Menominee Tribe is the Kenosha casino. There are many who have questions, concerns, and even doubts about this project. The many issues worth questioning include:
- Where the money will go – It’s been reported that more than half of the money from the casino would be committed to Hard Rock (30-40 percent), or Kenosha local government (11 percent), instead of the Menominee, based upon how past casino deals have worked. And how do we know the casino will be well run, and operating expenses won’t take most of the money in the first place? There are no plans for direct per capita payments to Menominee tribal members.
- How big an impact the casino will even have – Under the current intergovernmental agreement, Hard Rock doesn't have to build a hotel for 7 years, an amenity that should be part of a project like this.
- Harm to the environment – There are many environmental concerns about the casino, and the process has been rushed. So much so that the Village of Pleasant Prairie unanimously passed a resolution opposing the casino. Without an Environmental Impact Study, we'll never know how truly bad it could be.